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When I was reading this I realized that of course the left thinks Twitter has gone all right wing, because now they are being challenged by other points of view. And by definition, that makes it a right-wing echo chamber! This is just like the cartoon that's been floating around showing how the left has gone really extremely left, and everyone else has stayed the same, and so the left says we're all right wing!

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The Democrats drag the Overton Window far to the left of normal, and then scream "right-wing bias!!!!" when a source drags it back to normal.

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Nov 25
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Oh for fuck sake, you are a malcontent dope. The Overton Window has ALWAYS BEEN POSITIONED TO BENEFIT THE CORPORATE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS. There is no need to drag it to the absurd cultural left from ya'll to solve for that sickness.

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In fairness, we have no idea what Twitter/X is censoring now via their visibility algorithms.

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