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I love your work, Matt, and recently subscribed. I have one criticism of this video, though. It never explains that the lab leak theory has since been validated. Believe it or not, there are a lot of people who still don’t know this! I watched till the end, waiting for that moment, and getting more and more excited to share it with the many people in my world who never got the memo that Trump wss right all along.

But without the “big reveal” they will watch it and say, “yup, news media got it right—Trump is a conspiracy theorist! Why are you sending me this?”

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Yeah, usually I include something like that. Fair critique. I think it's now commonly accepted it is likely and not at all a wild conspiracy theory as it was originally framed. If you need to convince people it's man-made, you can send your friends this one instead!: https://youtu.be/PhAGPQE0H-U

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Thank you!

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Feb 4Edited

My background is in biology, but I'm not that familiar with gain of function research, but always remember reading now and again that many people in the field were against it because of the possibility of a lab leak. People tend to think scientists are a cautious lot, but accidents happen and I do personally believe, and from the beginning, that this was a lab leak. As a teenager I read the book The Cry and the Covenant which was based on the life of Ignaz P. Semmelweis who ran a hospital where women came to give birth. Those delivered my midwives suffered a low incidence of puerperal fever while those delivered by doctors had a much higher incidence of the disease. Now this is before the germ theory of disease, but Semmelweis concluded that doctors came in contact with those who died of the disease, perhaps in the morgue, or on autopsy, and became contaminated and were the transmitters, and he was right, and asked doctors to wash their hands. The medical establishment brought him nothing but misery and an early death for his dead on accurate assessment. The field of science can be very political, and that has been true of how Covid has been handled.

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There's more to that story that is worth knowing about. One, the Doctors had recently moved in on what was being done by midwives previously and so had made things worse than baseline. Two, I think none other that Dr. Oliver Wendall Holmes would be driven form the field of medicine to support germ theory as well. Medical history if fascinating. For the record at one point in time, many thought Sailors who swore by oranges to fight off scurvy were superstitious. For a good while it was assumed Scurvy was a pathogen that was transmitted through the crew of a ship. Humility is not something that medicine has ever practiced or ever will. In no small part to the fact that a Doctor knows his best chance at doing his job is to project confidence that he has the answers. But small lies on the sake of holding confidence of the patient can create friction to discovering objective truth.

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Thanks, Matt, for not allowing our group-think-know-betters to lob their own conspiracy theory into the memory hole.

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After all the data is released, I hope the courts force every major press outlet in the United States to admit how many days they allowed their followers to persist in falsehoods including safe and effective.

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Yeah, this needed the gotcha moment that never came.

Also, it’s extremely convenient that he labels it Chinese. Who was funding much of the research going on in that lab……?

It’s like saying it’s an Israeli Genocide against the people of Gaza. When big poppa is providing the planes, loading the bombs in the planes, the bullets in the guns, and the armoured bulldozers.

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The difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is (currently) between roughly 13 and 48 months, at last count.

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This is important work, and it's good to have these put together in one place. Until these "experts" and "authorities" lose their power, they'll be used again against us for the next thing. One thing, though, is nagging at the back of my mind. I remember a letter being written by a military (I think it was a marine) officer saying that the virus was made in a US military lab as part of some DOD project. The letter was released to the press, and I think the name of the officer was blacked out. It always seemed odd to me that the original point about the Wuhan lab was raised by Tomnibus Cotton, a shill for the Pentagon. It very well might have come out of that lab, but I would guess that it was developed by our own defense department and shared with them, which is even worse. Though come to think of it, if I were a deepstater and wanted to derail trump's chances in the 2020 elections, I would release the damn thing in Wuhan and blame it on the Chinese using my shill Tomnibus Cotton.

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Ahhh, the memories…

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We GOT 'EM COLD! Thank you Mr. Orfalea!!!!

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Matt, you f-en rock!!! Most of your compilations are great, and though you’ve done one on this topic before, the timeliness and micro-focused commentary here is just precious. I’m gonna keep this one a weekly ‘share’ rotation so people never forget and hopefully some learn some humility re: their absolute pronouncements, especially those leaving them no room to back away from 🤣😂🤣. Thank you, thank you, thank you 😃

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Great job Matt!

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Thank you for always turning a spotlight on the Deep State's most egregious behavior.

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Lollol! Nice one. :)

I was reading counterpunch at the time - this was before they were heavily infested by TDS in 90% of the articles - and the top articles here laid it all out.


Needless to say, I got called every name known, incl that dreaded 'conspiracy theorist', more times than I've had hot breakfasts.

And this sealed the deal for me.


Thank god for moral and honest scientists.

Hmmm, top scientists, or dishonest corporate media? It's almost a coin toss of probabilities, that one.

Nice work you've put in there. I hope their carefully unblinking states didn't give you nightmares afterwards...

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