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1. I make mistakes ALL the time because I use my phone for almost all my typing, responding, etc. However, if I were going to print out a statement for the press or others, I think I would make sure I used grammar and spellcheck.

2. The groups that were paid to manufacture riots and protests are short on cash. I truly wonder if there really is a large leftist movement. How much of any of it was real? I find myself in a strange moment with these questions.

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Lazy leftism.

All this activism comes off as performative.

The chants are super lame: for example “f*ck Musk”. How long did it take them to come up with that one..ha..ha

I remember the Raging Grannies having fabulous and funny chants in British Columbia, Canada.

This will not be a mass movement.

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I am no fan of transhumanist larvae Musk, but I will take him over the woke any day of the week.

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Woke was a bankster controlled government psyop response to the 2008 credit crisis. People on both the right and left shouting in unison "End the Fed" scared the crap out of them. So we all paid the price with their divisive culture war nonsense ever since. Hopefully cutting off their government funding sources ends that battle.

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I think you are onto something.

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I don't know if John Titus is the ultimate source, but I heard him argue for it in a recent interview. Makes sense when you look at charts of culture war phrases blowing up in media after the banking crisis.

Titus has a new documentary series called the War for Bankocracy, and I would guess at least one episode will touch on this.

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I am dumber for viewing those individuals…..

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Funny to see a guy there defending OSHA. The purpose of OSHA is to defend the working class from unsafe working conditions. But then how ironic that during covid, they used their power to force experimental gene therapy on 80+ million American workers. Grotesque. For that alone, the currently existing OSHA deserves to be burnt to the ground.

We need another reformer like RFK Jr for OSHA.

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Fire them all. Who wants to work for a boss who does not want you? Demanding, yelling and throwing fits is what children do.

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Hasn’t the AFL-CIO been more of an impediment to labor than a help for years now?

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These people are literal idiots. Some are actually brain damaged. I am grateful so many are sterilizing themselves. No children should be raised by these morons. I fear that they can't be saved from themselves. Eventually they will become extinct but it's a long time to wait. I had no idea there were so many weak minds in this country, The mental illness is exacerbated by big pharma. I did an intake on a patient this week. 43 separate medications, some taken several times a day. What is a person's blood full of under those circumstances? Surely a dozen psycho active medications are a part of this madness. How are these people free all day to create mayhem and aren't struggling to make ends meet like most of us?

Notice they NEVER address the medication mass shooters especially teens are on.

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I'm on the side of workers who are barely getting a living wage or those working two jobs just to make 45k year feeding a family of four, like those in the center states.

I'm not on the side of bureaucratic bloat and slackers that think they are owed a job because they live on the coasts.

"Which side are you on boy?" was written for the Appalachian poor of Harlen County, Kentucky being worked to death in mines.

As my grandmother used to say, "If you want sympathy, you can find it in the dictionary between Shit and Syphilis."

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Boy, in that second video those who you interviewed were all singing flat from the same song sheet.

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Nice to see those pink pussy hats back in fashion perfect notice for brain worms!

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Who paid them to protest? Soros, out of his USAIDE funding?

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bravo, Orf !!!

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Stealing from all of us is not okay. Do you think about the money being wasted? Do you think about how much fraud is being revealed.

Trump isn’t the enemy. Had he really committed an insurrection, he would have been charged and convicted for it. These people who are protesting against him and the overwhelming majority who voted for him do not realize the lies they have been told over and over again by the media who are paid to lie.

It’s like banging your head against the wall trying to make them see the truth when they’re never going to.

I’ve been fired from a job because I didn’t show up or wasn’t doing my job properly and I got over it. I was never given full pay for months with full benefits to look for another job. Get over it. Grow up and stop bitching because it’s not going to stop what we the majority have constitutionally legally voted for. Trust me. If the democrats had a way of keeping Trump out of office they would have. See, they know the truth and there’s things they don’t want to ever see the light of day. Like how have they become so damn rich? Millions of dollars in assets and no way of explaining how they earned it.

I’m done with people who are so close minded that they can’t see the truth when it is right in front of them because it’s from a Republican base. If Biden was doing what Trump is and exposing the fraud and corruption and waste it would be a different story but he could never do it. Why? Cause old Joe has been on the take for most of his career. But if he wasn’t and he was doing what Trump is doing, we would be united as one country again.

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I hope there weren’t very many courtships or marriages developed during their rallies as the gene pool is a bit worrisome for mankind.

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Haven't a lot of women already done that? He has 13 kids. He's going for a DMX record!

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