I made a vid showing election fraud claims from both Dems & Repubs. In no way did I advance or endorse any of the claims. For documenting this history, YouTube just deleted it, blocked me, & gave me a strike—a step toward deleting my entire channel.

The now memory-holed video was originally featured in a TK news story about memory-holing.
YouTube says the video violates “misinformation policy”, but again, I never endorsed or advanced the claims, and the title makes clear that they are nothing but "Claims". Furthermore, virtually every clip was broadcast by mainstream outlets, including CNN, NBC, and FOX. Why doesn't YouTube delete their videos too? (Instead, YouTube promotes the corporate networks’ YouTube channels as so-called “authoritative sources”, despite their history of publishing dangerously consequential misinformation, including the lies that led to the Iraq War.)
Curiously, my other video with only Dem claims of a "stolen" election is still allowed on YouTube, while the video that includes Repubs making similar claims, isn't. There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in either the 2016 or 2020 election, yet challenging the integrity of one election is allowed, but not the other?
Previously, Scott Horton's podcast with Matt Taibbi was deleted for merely discussing this video. YouTube later put it back up thanks to people sharing the censorship story, so please share this story to bring back its follow-up video too.
Is anyone actually surprised. Get on Rumble or one of the alternatives.
we are all going to "safe place".