most of the youtube comments are insane. compliance is now holy...

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Most people seem to get it. But yeah, there are some that want to shun basic questioning too. Oh well.

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It does seem shitty to refuse service outright like this. To play a little devil's advocate/steel man: the answers to those questions can assist greatly with diagnoses, but they don't need that information to perform the testing and evals you requested. If you didn't know what testing you needed, then the questions could be relevant for test selection and the documentation of the answers supporting the testing regime chosen might be for possible legal implications down the road should there be a misdiagnosis or something. Even so, their explanations were incoherent. As far as their reaction to your questioning (ultimately losing patience and 86ing you), it's possible they've had to deal with a lot of troublemakers coming in trying to expose things. But after this experience it seems they kinda deserve it. Interesting that everyone at PP is clearly not on the same page regarding the policy.

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Time to rip this organization out by the roots. It is just another part of the Marxist hive.

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I'm actually pro-choice. But what happened to me in this visit was definitely NOT pro-choice.

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There was a time when getting tested was encouraged, and you could even do it anonymously. (!)

The progressive stance was to destigmatize getting tested, and the goal was to make it as easy as possible.

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It is terrible given that they refused service because you refused to tell them private information. This is the stuff of a collectivist dystopia, IMO.

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The reason they ask those questions is because the tests they are using are no good. If you are getting an AIDS test for example, they will use Elisa, then Western Blot, or else PCR. They interpret the results of your test differently depending on whether or not they determine whether you are in a "high risk group" (black, gay, IV drug user). It has to do with the claimed rate of false positive and false negatives.

But all of these tests are bogus. (cf. journalists Celia Farber, David Crowe (RIP), Eric Coppolino, Jon Rapporport who each have written extensively about this). These are all fraudulent, outrageous pseudoscience.

This is because there is no HIV virus, there is no disease called AIDS. This was the model medical hoax which CONViD was modeled after.

And if you look into the details, the science behind all of those other so-called "sexually transmitted diseases" is extremely dodgy. cf. Dr Tom Cowan, Drs Mark and Sam Bailey, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Amandha Vollmer, Dawn Lester & David Parker, etc.

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This was insane “requirement”

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