
I posted a updated Twitter thread if you'd like to check out: https://x.com/0rf/status/1791539687384842422

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They bomb and shoot journalists - because they don't want anyone reporting, on the horrific crimes that they commit.

They just outlawed the entire Al Jazeera network, throughout the entire stolen and illegally occupied land, too.

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May 17·edited May 17

Most people have no idea what Hamas even is. I bet you about 3% of people on Substack even know that "Hamas" is actually an acronym. That is how uninformed people are.

So, for most people, "Hamas" is yet another word, like "antisemitism", that is intended to trigger your brain to shut down, clutch your pre-conceived notions, and not engage any facts with legitimate critical thinking skills.

Really amazing work, Orf, as always.

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"Palestinian Islamic Resistance" - I think.

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Thanks Orf for revisiting Israel's bombing of the AP building in Gaza 3 years ago. I had forgotten that their pretext was that "Hamas is in the building."

In reality, they wanted to shut down the AP from reporting on Israel's atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza. After an initial outraged protest, the AP pretty quickly got quiet and dropped the matter. IIRC.

Such a flimsy lie, but Biden White House and US media dutifully repeated it. Just like now -- as Biden admin openly sponsors Israel's genocide of Palestine and US media manufactures consent for it.

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It's a closed loop.

Israel funds and promotes hamas -

splitting the "leadership" of Gaza and the West Bank.

Get the organization tagged "terrorist" by international bodies.

Use the election as proof that all Palestinians are "terrorists" in 2006 and lay siege to Gaza with the blockade.

Never promote or attempt to change the "leadership" and use the election as a touchstone that "all Palestinians are terrorists"

Now play out ethic cleansing (at least) against the boogeyman you've created.

Rinse, repeat...

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Excellent reporting. Documentation like yours helps prove what murderous liars the whole lot of them are. Now we have to figure out what to do about it.

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It’s almost hard to blame people for ardently supporting Israel in this country after the decades of ceaseless propaganda, misinformation, and outright lies that are freely dispersed by American media directly from the mouths of IDF spokesmen. Almost…

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literally that, plus what they did to Shireen and her funeral, changed my view on Israel permanently

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"It’s due to time to come to grips that there is no evidence to justify the attack. Israel bombed an American news agency, with an American bomb, that America paid for. And even our own American government continues to cover for Israel and continues to fund the continued death and destruction in Gaza."

And American puppet-politicians will continue to lie to the American public and we're supposed to continue to take it up the... you-know-what and believe their lies. NO MORE! #FreePalestine #EndTheSiegeOfGaza

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Blinken sure has aged in 3 years. Abetting a genocide will do that, I guess.

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So in the US, AP journalist toe the local party line. But in Gaza they are independent? Color me skeptical.

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I think that’s a bit too black and white. Even blatant media bias usually comes from “true believers” that believe they’re doing the right thing and are trying to report what they think is newsworthy. In general, taking down any news outlet like that is highly suspect; I don’t care which news outlet it is.

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Another blast from the past. Thanks

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Love your covid videos... But this is rather one-sided and unhelpful.

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Glad you enjoy! I posted a Twitter thread version which I think is better. Lmk what part you think was one-sided and unhelpful! https://x.com/0rf/status/1791539687384842422. I did share the claims made of an AP-Hamas connection in the building. Maybe it's bc there's no evidence to support it that it appears one-sided?

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Great question. My reaction to your videos arises largely from real-life experience, not so much from watching the news. Having been located in a large US city next to a university campus, since 2020 I've been able to see the news with my own eyes. And I can see the social impact of the current events. Hardly anything in my lifetime was as damaging to our society -- harming kids, older people, social cohesion -- as the covid agenda of our government at all levels. Some of your videos beautifully conveyed various aspects of the grand-scale manipulation that was taking place. Contemporaneously, the BLM protests and the ensuing ideological conformity at many of our institutions, public and private, was exceedingly damaging and we have not recovered from this yet, either. Then, since roughly October 8, 2023, the rabid anti-Israel protests that I witnessed in the streets and on campus have been similarly toxic to our society, taking down the level of campus debate and glorifying truly uncivilized behavior that is unfit for Western universities. In this overall context, it is not very helpful to pick out, for example, a Jewish girl who might have exaggerated her injury and the media loved it, or again to pick out a situation where the Israeli government presented zero evidence for demolishing a building. Of course we know that news media exaggerate and governments lie -- even the governments of the most peaceful democratic countries -- but when I see you post just a couple of select videos on a topic that really don't reflect my real-life experience with the issue, that's when I say it is unhelpful. Thanks for engaging, and keep up the good work!

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Your word choice shows everything. “Rabid antisemitism” that old trope always regurgitated anytime someone has criticism of Israel. Israel is committing genocide and you are trying to defend them. It makes you look like you’re OK with the massacre of 40,000 people as long as it doesn’t put the Israelis in a poor light. your “real life experience” doesn’t outweigh those deaths

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Unhelpful, how? because it reminds people that Israel has been trying to crush the Palestinian voice since well before October 7, 2023? Is that what you mean? Lots of people don't know they've been systematically targeting pro-Palestine media for YEARS. Sorry to bust that narrative. NOT SORRY. Thank you, Orf.

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