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First of all, can we agree that assholes are their own unique party? Not ‘right’ or ‘left’, but just a circular zone distinguished by its constant spewing of Bullshit.

That the J6 guy came off as far more sympathetic, (and fact adjacent), doesn’t surprise me. Driving through Texas during Trump1.0, I spotted a big new Pickup truck with clean vinyl letters across the tailgate spelling

“D E P L O R A B L E”. Finding that funny and cool, I chatted with the owner for a few minutes. When people talk freely to each other hatred loses its grip.

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Hey Matt, this is a refreshing new style of street reporting! The way you stayed with it with your light-hearted spirit until everyone you spoke with had to laugh a little and then they noticed the person standing next to them laughing a little too worked a kind of spell to reveal the human frailties and connections. New tenet: Journalists should endeavor to engage with subjects in a manner designed to reveal rather than provoke -- and you're great at it! The wrap up of your story highlighted the tragedy of how much is lost when people who want the same thing get pitted against other and miss the opportunity to seek common ground. It's one of the best things in the world to get to yes and you have a bright spot of that in your story too. Terrific concept and reporting-- bravo and thank you!!

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Well said.

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Antifa definitely ends up looking way more like fascists in this situation, although that's not surprising since most of them seem to struggle mightily with understanding what fascism actually is

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Very immature folks on the Antifa side. The J6 guy seemed to be the only one who was able to articulate his message.

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Or wanted to engage in dialogue or at least let Frank say his piece.

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I was a Bernie supporter (financially as well). I subscribed to Dollemore and Pakman, so ashamed that I supported them. NOW, voted for Trump. The progressives have lost their ship.

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Don't be ashamed. A lot of Bernie’s 2016 message was true (anti-war, anti corruption) but he and his movement weakened itself by shifting focusing so much to identity and partisan politics.

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What the "Antifa" protestors don't seem to understand is that one immediately loses the argument by:

1) attempting to prevent another's speech (censorship)

2) resorting to name calling (ad hominem attacks)

I am embarrassed for them because they do not have the sense to be embarrassed for themselves. But I also am thankful that they reveal themselves, but don't know it.

I'm also wondering if they understand that they work for "We the People" and not billionaires.

Their "Workers over Billionaires" signs only broadcast their ignorance.

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He seems too socially adept to have Asperger's. And that crowd doesn't want prison reform, they want gulags for everyone they don't like.

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I thought Brandon Fellows mentioned Asperger's in relation to Elon Musk.🤔

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doesn't that first kid (the one who 'was forced to live in this city after being released from prison; jan 6th') look like he could be one of musk's kids?

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That Fellows guy has big balls and enormous grace. Wow. I wish those Democrat-supporters could objectively self-reflect, because they don't realize how ridiculous they sound. It's total cringe watching them. I almost want to give em a few pointers because I feel bad for them... or maybe their awkwardness makes ME feel unsettled.

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They don't realize how much/often they give their true selves away. Wonder if that comes from not being able to consider both sides of an issue?

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“Fuck Musk” is the comprehensive ideology of these protestors.

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A person can always learn something from their “enemies”.

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You have more patience than a brass monkey. What your video shows me is that those who seem to be Dem or at least against Trump & Musk are fairly nasty ppl. This is a common theme in their 'conversations' or demonstrations. IF they truly want free speech, etc why is it when another person voices his opinion they want to shut him down & shut him up? Every time I see a video like this it continues to solidify to me that they are immature adults acting like 5 year olds.

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Matt, what was the little logo in the lower middle of the signs? I couldn't quite make it out even by freezing the viseo

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Hilarity co-exists alongside rancid reasoning & births baby truth bombs.You go, Sir MattO! Your writing is as pungent-sweet as the vid mash-ups!

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Very much a mismanaged interview where Matt violated journalistic tenets repeatedly trying to make himself a 1st person participant in the video and audio exchanges. I don't know what happened to you Matt. You did wonderful progressive work making ads for Bernie, but based on this camera groping without any focus or clear intent in who you were interviewing and why, you turned viewers off and antagonized peaceful attendees there, particularly the lighter-skinned African American man who maintained human dignity while you tried to set off sparks (for good video) by asking him to repeat what he'd heard. All of this was pure muckraking. You should be ashamed.

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