Call Dept. of State (every day) #202-647-4000 to denounce this criminal act & to demand an intervention to release & return our American civilian citizen, Independent journalist, Jeremy Loffredo, as soon as possible!

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) kidnap, detain, & murder the highest number of journalists (particularly from the West Bank where Jeremy Loffredo was arrested from) of any other country in the world. This has been their record for over the past two decades.

These are war crimes.

Israeli Forces hold journalists in torturous condition in "administrative detention" for an unlimited time.

These are war crimes.

Israeli Forces have destroyed all media institutions & target journalists through A.I.

What do they have to hide?

Why is our U.S. government allowing our journalists to be tortured & killed?

We demand an intervention to release this journalist, Jeremy Loffredo & to bring him home to the U.S. safely from the Israeli military base where he is being held.

We demand a comment issued from the White House on what it's doing right now to free our American civillian Citizen, our journalist Jeremy Loffredo.

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Remember, this is "the only democracy in the Middle East."

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Jesus Christ. Andrey X has been an incredibly corageous journalist reporting on the Israeli settler attacks on Palestinians. And Loffredo has been doing consistently great work on Israel.

The Biden-Harris admin's policy of indulging all Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity, violations of international law -- including attacks on American journos like Loffredo -- has emboldened Israel to capture and abuse these journos. Disgusting and criminal.

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Real journalism dispels government disinformation.

(p.s. what's the benefit of claiming Iranian missiles hit civilian structures when in fact they hit a couple of Israel's military installations?)

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It is an attempt to make Iran seem reckless and reprehensible. Deliberately targeting civilians is a war crime (except when Israel does it).

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Seem? They don’t need any help from Israel.

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If you separate out Iran from their proxies, they've actually been incredibly careful in a way that Israel could never comprehend. Of course, yes, the government in general is insanely oppressive. But you have to be able to comprehend nuance to understand the whole picture rather than throwing everything together in order to invoke an emotional response, which is what MSM does. So, you know, as a Substack user, maybe try a different game. It's actually not all the same thing.

In terms of civilian deaths alone, Iran doesn't hold a torch to Israel. Period.

If that's the only measuring tool we're using, of course we'll miss things. You need to get your facts straight though.

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Name some civilians Iran has targeted.

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Their support of Assad in Syria is factually damning enough. Their violence toward their own people provides ongoing, historical confirmation. Thanks for the question.

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You didn't answer it.

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Syrian and Iranian civilians.

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I saw a mainstream news channel (i think CBS or ABC) with a correspondent filming them filling in the crater near Mossad HQ right after the attack. Am I to believe the location was previously unknown? The location being a huge crater in the middle of a street in central Tel Aviv, with videos of the missile striking from a couple blocks away…

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If there were journalists reporting in Iran against Iranian authorities during a war, what do you suppose would happen to them? Oh wait, we already know (James Wright Foley (October 18, 1973 – c. August 19, 2014).

My problem with one sided journalism (due to fear of death, especially while a war is going on where your enemies share a border with you and has terrorists inside your borders,) is that the only side held accountable is the democratic side. The authoritarian, death cult side, cannot be investigated. Therefore, all you are really doing is helping the authoritarian side with your reporting.

If a journalist really wants to be brave, go to Iran and try to investigate the government there. If you can’t do that, then don’t be a useful idiot.

As far as I am concerned, there is something that trumps journalism, the ability to remain alive.

If someone was trying to kill you and your family, and a wide eyed, ambitious journalist was following you around, reporting on your every move, would you care if the journalist rights were infringed?

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What the hell are you talking about? Israel is the terrorist. Israel is perpetrating genocide. Israel is escalating the conflict. Israel refuses to agree to a cease fire. Israel is killing its own hostages.

Who is the "terrorist" in your world? Dismembered kids? NGO doctors? Bread queues?

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Either you’re delusional, brainwashed or a bot.

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Back atcha. Maybe go burn a child to help you feel better.

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For all of us who boycott Youtube there's Rumble video of Jeremy's report too!


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Thank you for reporting on this!

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Sounds like "X" is complicit in the silencing and censorship of Jeremy Loffredo... Big "Free Speech" Guy, that Elon Musk... Apparently not.

Free Jeremy Loffredo!

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Like a decent size fish caught on a hook, the more it is exposed and reeled in all the harder it starts to fight back.

I doubt it was the revealing of the locations they just did it because they could.

Journalist, lawyers, truth tellers have been yanked out of embassies or airplanes or even an elderly woman was arrested at home for reporting the truth.

The Australian PM is trying to ram through a ministry of truth - The UK PM is [was] a human rights lawyer but approves sending weapons to known hotzones while a known war criminal receives a record number of standing ovations.

To me that's suggesting that our so called security agencies have all been compromised - all our supposedly Democrtic institutions have been compromised.

We're living in dark times indeed.

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Obama was a constitutional law professor, but he had an American citizen assassinated without trial, shredded habeus corpus, and eliminated the ban on domestic government propaganda.

Just because someone is knowledgeable in a field does not necessarily imply they support the inherent values of that topic. Corporations have legions of so-called labor lawyers to keep the many ways they screw their workers "legal. "

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Nicely stated.

Obama studied law like a cat burglar studies the electronic security system on a vault.

Under his command the US president with a nobel for Peace outbombed 8 years of Bush jr in the first 8 months.

In the end the real problem is how to deal with the untouchable unaccountabe faceless man and women lurking behind the screens.

Once a nation descents into evil it does not emerge.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

It's pretty crazy how people are blaming right-wing ideology for undermining democracy when actually it's decades of lawfare (largely by corporations and other profit interests) undermining the structure of the legal precedents we have that makes America democratic in the first place.

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

Neoliberalism is most definitely at the root of the problem when it comes to undermining Democratic ideology.

Democracy is a obstacle to Capitalism.

>> The Secret History of Neoliberalism (w/ George Monbiot) | The Chris Hedges Report << https://chrishedges.substack.com/p/the-secret-history-of-neoliberalism?publication_id=778851&post_id=150021470&isFreemail=true&r=1h688z&triedRedirect=true

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First they came for the Palestinian

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Palestinian

Then they came for the Lebanese

And I did not speak out

Because I was not Lebanese

Then they came for the Russians

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Russian

Then they came for the Nazis

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Nazi

Then they came for me

And there was no one left

To speak out for me

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What is happening here? And how is this any different than then the Assange imprisonment? Israel is getting all this money from us to silence free speech?

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