Thanks to everyone who shared my complaint on X! With your help, YouTube reversed its decision to demonetize my Thomas Drake documentary.
I'd still like to know why my documentary was first deemed “not suitable” by the algorithm, and then a second time by “manual review.” My video documentary with Thomas Drake shares a verifiably true story and contains no profanity or graphic images.
Even though YouTube reversed its decision, the initial decision stunted the video’s reach. YouTube videos usually gather the most views in the first few days after publication.
Thank you all so much for your support.
They can do whatever they want because
"It's a private company".
Ok then, you don't need section 230 protection.
It is a utility and like the telephone and electric companies, they should not allowed to discriminate on half assed bullshit.
GTFOH YouTube, X, Facebook and other inner party controlled BS. This isn't 1984 cold war forever anymore.
You mofos can't hold back the truth!
Excellent news!