A new Senate report concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic was “most likely the result of a research-related incident”. I’m old enough to remember when merely suggesting that would get you called a “conspiracy theorist” by the so-called fact-checkers, and banned from Facebook.
So let’s take a stroll through memory lane, when virtually every mainstream media platform propagandized the population to disbelieve the common sense notion that the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China, came from a coronavirus lab in Wuhan.
As usual, many were blinded by their partisan hackery and, instead of actually investigating the origin, they used the crisis to attack political opponents.
Note: This video was demonetized by YouTube. My appeal was rejected.
I strive to archive everything in my mashups but here are some nuggets I missed.
New York Times science reporter, Apoorva Mandavilli, called the lab theory “racist”.
In May 2020, Politifact said, with zero evidence, that, “No, the novel coronavirus was not 'man-made,” and called the “baseless claims the virus was created in a lab” a “conspiracy theory”. The self-appointed fact-check site then falsely concluded that we can “rule out the possibility it was created or manipulated in a lab”.

Dr. Scott Miscovich on CNN: "We've all heard the conspiracy theories of the lab leak"
The Associated Press ruled a lab origin was “False”.
On March 21, 2020, a USA Today “Fact check” ruled that a lab origin was “False”.
This false fact check was also published on Yahoo.
If I missed any clips, headlines, or tweets, lmk and I'll add them!
Thank you Matt -- your efforts are invaluable and witty masterpieces -- including use of “choruses” of orchestrated and choreographed lies by the servants of the War party.