Fauci Caught Lying Again: Says He Wasn't "Strongly" Pushing the Natural Origin Theory of COVID-19
I recently discovered a new glaring Fauci contradiction, debunking his frequent claim that he always had an “open mind” about the origin of COVID-19. He said that he never “strongly leaned” toward a natural origin theory, despite previously saying he was “strongly leaning” toward a natural origin theory, again and again, since the start of the pandemic.
“If it may have been a lab, may have been nature, then why did Dr. Fauci work so hard for just one of those theories?”, asked Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan in a House hearing on The Origins of COVID-19, suggesting Fauci was covering up a lab origin. When FOX News’ Neil Cavuto asked Fauci for his reaction, Fauci replied with forced laughter and a denial.
FAUCI (3/9/23): I almost have to laugh at that Neil. That’s totally bizarre. First of all, I wasn’t leaning totally strongly one way or the other."
This is simply not true. At the start of the pandemic, he told National Geographic that he was “very very strongly leaning” towards a natural origin.
FAUCI (5/20/20): It is very, very strongly leaning towards this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated…is very strongly supported by scientific evidence that it was not deliberately media mutated and deliberately changed.
So what was the scientific basis for Fauci leaning strongly? On May 26, 2021, in a Senate Appropriations Hearing, Senator Marco Rubio finally asked him.
RUBIO: Why did you dismiss the lab leak theory…?
FAUCI: I have always said that the high likelihood is that this is a natural occurrence. I didn't dismiss anything. I just said it's a high likelihood that this is a natural occurrence…
RUBIO: What is the basis for the conclusion that it is likely to have been more naturally occurring than a lab accident?
FAUCI: Well, we have a historical experience. That happened with SARS-CoV-1. It happened with MERS…so the historical basis for pandemics evolving naturally from an animal reservoir is extremely strong.
In other words, according to Fauci himself, the only evidence supporting his “extremely strong” lean toward a natural origin was that viruses have evolved from nature before. That precedent alone doesn’t make a natural origin more likely than a lab leak, considering there is also a long historical precedent of lab leaks, that Fauci is well aware of.
If anything, Fauci’s reasoning should lean him away from a natural origin, because as Rubio correctly noted, the animal hosts of the historic examples Fauci cited (SARS-CoV-1 & MERS) were discovered within months. At the time of the hearing, COVID-19 had been spreading for well over a year. Still today, three years later, no host animal has been discovered. Nevertheless, Fauci continued to say that evidence for a natural origin was “strong” through 2022, including on NBC and an Atlantic Magazine Livestream.
FAUCI (9/21/22): “The evidence that they have been working on for years strongly favors a natural occurrence” (The Atlantic)
FAUCI (11/27/22): “If you look at the preponderance of evidence…the evidence strongly points to this being a natural occurrence…the evidence on that is pretty strong. (NBC)
Fauci also “strongly” pushed the natural origin theory at the Council on Foreign Relations, just a few weeks before denying he’d ever done such a thing to Cavuto.
FAUCI (1/23/23): What I do feel strongly about is that one is much more probable than the other because if you look at the data that’s been accumulated by [***unnamed***] unbiased, highly competent, and internationally recognized evolutionary biologists and virologists, they have done a study…strongly indicating that this was a spillover from an animal species to a human in the wet market. Having said that we still need to keep an open mind that it is not that, that it is perhaps something that leaked out from what they were doing in the lab. But I think it is much more likely that it is a natural spillover.
Note the most cited “study” of “unbiased, highly competent, and internationally recognized evolutionary biologists and virologists” was proven to be fraudulent when leaked Slack messages showed each of five the scientists who authored the “Proximal Origin” paper saying COVID-19 came from nature privately agreed it looked like it was engineered in a lab.
Incredibly, even after telling Cavuto that he never “strongly” pushed these points, literally two days later Fauci went right back to “strongly” pushing the natural origin narrative on CNN Newsroom with Jim Acosta when he cited unnamed science papers that were “strongly suggesting” it came from nature.
FAUCI (3/11/23): [Science is] strongly suggesting that in fact it was a natural occurrence from an animal to a human, but strongly suggesting Jim doesn't nail it down definitively.
Fauci continued on PBS’s news show, “Amanpour & Co”.
FAUCI (4/28/23): “It’s pointing much more strongly towards a natural occurrence.”
So add another Fauci lie to the list. Nobody debunks Fauci better than Fauci himself. In addition to lying about masks and lockdowns, Fauci also lied repeatedly about the origin of the pandemic—strongly leaning the public to believe the COVID-19 wasn’t a man-made disaster.
This post was reorganized and edited for clarity. Thanks for reading & please subscribe!
Matt -- you are a national treasure !!
This is so good!