Democrats Still Lying That January 6th Rioters "Killed" Police
The "Murderous" January 6th Hoax
According to the Democrat Party legend, on January 6, 2021, MAGA “terrorists” engaged in “a murderous siege” in which heroic Capitol police “died defending” our democracy. But the legend, ladies and gentlemen, was a hoax. And the hoax lives on.
Rioters didn’t kill any police. The “murderous siege” didn’t commit any murder at all. All four people who died during the riot were Trump supporters (1 from an overdose, 2 from natural causes, and the fourth, Ashley Babbit, was shot by Capitol police.) Yet even four years later now, Democrats, including Senator Amy Klobuchar, repeat the lie that police officers were “killed” by the MAGA mob.
The Washington Post is responsible for propagating the lie that according to nameless “witnesses”, the Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick “died defending” the Capitol, after being beaten to death—"pummelled by a rioter wielding a fire extinguisher”
Despite there never being a single “witness” willing to put their name to the claim, and no evidence that Sicknick received any blunt force trauma, it took the Post over three months to make the crucial correction (or as they say, a “clarification”) that Sicknick did not die at the hands of rioters on January 6th but died of natural causes the day after January 6th.
But rather than be universally shamed for spreading the fake news of a fake murder in its fake January 6th reporting, the Washington Post was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage.
Incredibly, the Pulitzer-Prize-winning Post still has an uncorrected article up its site that says “Sicknick was the first Capitol police officer to die in an attack since summer of 1998”. To add insult to injury, it took eight Washington Post reporters to compose the 1500-word article featuring the blatantly false line.
Yes, Trump supporters took part in a violent riot that delayed the certification of the 2020 election based on utterly unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud, propagated by President Donald Trump. It’s an awful look. But the truth wasn’t the big political hit the Democrats needed to eliminate their main political opponent for good.
To help separate the MAGA riot from the Democrat-backed BLM riots six months prior, the Democratic Party, their obedient media lackeys, and sketchy anonymous sources conspired to turn January 6th into something far more dark and sinister than a bunch of angry misinformed Trump supporters yelling, breaking windows, and brawling with Capitol police. It had to be “The Worst”. “The worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War”; “the worst single act of political violence since the Civil War”; "Worse than 9/11”!
To effectively pin the riot on Trump, the media carefully edited out the fact that Trump explicitly told the crowd to be “peaceful”. For example, on January 13, 2021, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow cut that portion of the speech to forward the narrative that Trump incited a mob of “terrorists” to perform a “murderous siege” that “bludgeoned to death” a police officer.
Twitter (and then virtually all social media sites) removed Trump for allegedly “glorifying violence”; however, any honest look at the offending tweets could see he’d done no such thing.
After using January 6th as the basis for removing Trump from social media (something Democrats had been trying to do for over a year prior), Democrats used it as the basis in a legal case to remove Trump from the 2024 election—an actual attack on democracy. It went to the Supreme Court, and ultimately, each Justice, even the most liberal one appointed by Joe Biden, ruled in favor of Donald Trump, allowing the American people to engage in democracy and vote for him.
Although the Democrats haven’t stopped repeating the January 6th hoax, its power has significantly diminished. Since gunshots miraculously grazed Donald Trump’s head, it’s become more and more transparently ridiculous to accuse rioters who didn’t fire a single shot of carrying out the “worst act of political violence since the Civil War”.
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy January 6th!
Best, Matt Orfalea
The credibility, audience and influence of the legacy corporate media (and the Pulitzer Prize) continues to shrink every day. It's sad to watch but heartening and exciting watch how rapidly independent journalists (like you) using new platforms are gaining much of the credibility, audience and influence being lost by the likes of the WAPO. Keep up the great work!
Great article and video reminder of how horrible the corporate media and these politicians are. Operation Mockingbird through and through.
If you haven't seen it before, Darren Beattie and Mike Benz have done great work at highlighting all the ways January 6th was a federal entrapment scheme and operation.
But it's also important to remember the context of protesting while the 2020 protests were still fresh in our collective memories. BLM and antifa mobs went on a months long rampage of abusing cops, looting, and torching neighborhoods. Official estimates are that about 20 people were killed. Media and politicians celebrated these events and promoted bail funds to get the worst of the protesters back out onto the streets as quickly as possible.
Even after months of media coverage pretending this type of protesting was normal, getting Jan 6th protesters to misbehave required an army of instigating informants and undercover feds, and very abusive crowd control tactics on the part of the Capitol Police to spark any reaction. And even then, the only people that died that day were protesters getting shot or beaten to death by cops.
People like Klobuchar still lying about what happened that day are disgusting.