Biden Admin Told Facebook to Censor Critics
Biden's Digital Director Rob Flaherty told Facebook to censor Tucker Carlson for criticizing the vaccine, and Tomi Lahren for saying she won't take it.
New #FacebookFiles are starting to drip thanks to an the ongoing lawsuit “Missouri v Biden”, filed by Missouri Attorney General Geric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, alleging the Biden White House engaged in the illegal censorship of Americans on Big Tech platforms, like Facebook.
On April 14, 2021, Biden’s Digital Director Rob Flaherty wrote to Facebook with censorship requests. Flaherty refers to a past phone call where he told Facebook to suppress critics of Joe Biden and vaccines, and complains the current “reduction” efforts are not enough.
Flaherty first complained to Facebook that their suppression of Tucker Carlson was not sufficient: “the top post about vaccines today is tucker [sic] Carlson saying they don’t work.”
So what was this dangerous top post the Biden administration wanted censored? The previous night, Carlson had said, "If the vaccine is effective, there is no reason for people who've received a vaccine to wear masks or avoid physical contact. So maybe it doesn't work”. Carlson’s commentary was totally valid, as we later learned that after a few months, the vaccines lose their effectiveness, leading to a massive campaign to get vaccine “boosters”.
After complaining Facebook’s “reduction” of Carson wasn’t enough, Flaherty complained that Biden critic, Tomi Lahren wasn’t censored enough either:
FLAHERTY: “Yesterday was Tomi Lahren saying she won’t take one [vaccine]. This is exactly why I want to know what “Reduction actually looks like-if “reduction” means “pumping our most vaccine hesitant audience…then I’m not sure it’s reduction!”
Tomi Lahren is pro-choice when it comes to a women’s right to choose but when her personal “my body, my choice” stance against the Biden administration’s vaccine wishes vaccine, it was deemed too dangerous for Facebook.
The Biden admin’s lackey at Facebook apologized to Flaherty for not responding to the censorship order sooner: “sorry…will definitely prioritize…getting you a report by end of week.”
In the past, the job of digital comms was to, you know, communicate! But Rob Flaherty is such a pathetic and dishonest communicator, he depends on smear campaigns and censorship. Truly one of the slimiest people in the Biden White House.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what a modern fascist looks like: Rob Flaherty.
Okay, why did facebook append five "fact checks" to "correct" this Biden quote? “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” I saw Biden say it. It was a fact -- odd, yes, but undeniable.
I left the site after that. Immediately.
All of us who saw him say this on camera were left with two possible conclusions: 1. Biden meant what he said, or, 2, His brain function was insufficient to be the president of the US.
I am unaffiliated politically and did not vote for either party's candidates in 2016 or 2020.
But I am not credulous enough to accept any social medium's "fact checks" on politics.
People that are for censorship of ideas they don’t like have to stop calling themselves liberal